Thursday, August 4, 2011


Fell off my scooter on the freeway. Sarah Beth came and helped me out. (Eerie sidenote: told her this, she had the same dream that night).


Looked up the history of The Sepulveda Pass. Apparently it was a famous LA area football quarterback's hail mary pass.


Made a music video of myself sleeping. Wasn't very good.


Broke the neck on my guitar. John fixed it. Then I played live action scribblenauts with a bunch of people. Throughout this, a man who had died's ghost was trying to reach out to the daughter he never got to say goodbye to.


I was trying to get Long Beach to change their zip code by holding a sign on a street corner.


I had an idea for a movie in which the main character accidentally teleported from New York to LA. It was really more ambitious to make than a good idea.


I wanted to live with Kevin and Madison, but I had to figure out how all the special effects would work first.


I was on some crazy adventure flying a small plane around when Suburban Legends found someone else to do their website. Buzz kill.


I was in some crazy laboratory helping run experiments when someone pissed me off. I got back at them by unwinding a spool of tape. I found out I was wrong, so I rewound it.